Episode 1

It’s the Little Things

Published on: 3rd January, 2020

After two months of making the move from a large Canadian City to a small village three hours north, we're discovering little things that we may not have expected.

Our original goals, for example, included less clutter, less stress, and a happier lifestyle overall. While that's definitely still the case, and we haven't really been disappointed so far, not everything is quite working out as planned, so far.

In episode one of A Downsized Life, I talk about:

  • How the less clutter goal isn't quite being met
  • What this means for our stress levels
  • Unexpected purchases, and what that means with regards our plans
  • The longer winter, and its impact on us
  • The challenges of keeping two young kids entertained while still needing to work

Listen in as Danny shares his thoughts on these challenges, and what comes next in our journey to downsize our lives.

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Welcome to A Downsized Life. I'm your host, Danny Brown, and in the winter of 2019, my wife and I


moved our family from a sprawling city in southern Ontario, Canada to a small town 3 hours


north. This podcast is about our journey to downsizing our lives.


Lessons learned, successes earned, and everything in between. If you're looking to downsize


your life, then join us and listen for free at downsizepod.com or wherever you relax with podcasts.


Today it's just myself, Danny. Jaclyn's down in Burlington at her work offices, and should be home this


evening. So it just me and the two kids. Ewan and Salem are downstairs having some lunch at the moment


and, you know, getting up to all sorts of mischief I guess. I'll check in there soon. But today I


just wanted to talk about what we've been finding. Our initial thoughts on the first


6-8 weeks that we've been here. Our goals when we moved from Burlington where we came


from, to Port Sydney where we live now, was a quieter life with less clutter, less stress,


and being happier overall. Port Sydney only has 800 families give or take so it's a very small


town compared to Burlington which was about 170,000 people. So a very big change and that's been


an adjustment, a good one but it's been an adjustment to go from that hectic pace down to this very much


quieter pace. For an example, where we used to live in Burlington, we'd probably see about, I don't know,


two or three cars passing the house every 10 or 15 minutes. Now, I'm lucky if I see two or three


cars pass the house all day. Now, it could be that it's winter and no one wants to go out,


which I understand. I mean, it is minus 34 after all. So I'll check back in on this come spring.


One of the things we did notice or have noticed, and maybe it's just me, I'm not sure Jaclyn may


not have noticed as much, but I'm feeling that the less clutter we're looking for isn't quite


happening at the moment. Now, that could be down to the move because we're only as I mention


two months in, so we do still have boxes that are either unopened in the garage or around


the house. There might also be some books around the house, some DVDs etc, and some equipment


that we bought for the move that still needs to be unpacked, so hopefully we'll get to do that


this weekend. But at the moment, it just feels the less clutter we were looking for isn't quite


happening, and because of that our stress levels are maybe a little bit higher than we


wanted them to be this time of the move. And I guess I'm just really wondering when


the stuff will be unpacked and the house will be the way we want it, and what the


space will look like when it's done. Because at the end of the day, we moved from


a three-level detached home to a two-level bungalow. Now the bungalow


ironically enough does actually have the same physical floor space as the


old place except it's on two levels versus three. So it's a little bit more


thinking has to go into where stuff goes and what the place is going to look like etc.


So again maybe that's playing in to the cluttered feel, or the cluttered mindset that we currently


have at the moment versus where we want to be. We're also discovering things that we


may not have planned for. My wife's Mac just died. She has a 27 inch iMac and that died in a


horrible horrible way. So we've just purchased a new one which thankfully arrived today.


So once she comes home this evening from Burlington that's something to look forward to and


exciting, but it also means it's going to be an additional box in the house. There's going


to be two iMacs in her office while we get the old stuff transferred and a bit more


upheaval and temporary clutter. And it is temporary, but it's still there. I guess the other


thing that we discovered by speaking to the neighbors and people who've met since moving here


is that the winters here last a lot longer than the winters back in Burlington. For example,


winters in Burlington would have started in, say, December and lasted into January and February.


Winters here start at least a month earlier, and last at least a month longer.


So we moved in in the middle of November, and it was snowing heavily already.


Still snowing today, and it's going to snow 'til probably around march, or April.


And that's a bit of a mindset change and something that we have to get used to.


Speaking to the parents of one of Ewan's new friends atschool, for example,


they said that they'd moved here three years ago, and it's only just now that the


mom is getting used to how long the winter's are, from where they came from.


So again, a little mindset change and lateral thinking. Is it lateral thinking? I think so.


But the kids. bless them, they're really adapting to the move and that's great.


But with the Christmas holidays at the moment, they are going a little bit still crazy.


Like I said, the weather can be a bit iffy and it's too cold for them to go outside.


They have to entertain themselves indoors. And it's fine for the most part.


We got a bunch of crafts they can do. We got them a cool sort of games table.


That's got six or seven games on all like foosball, table tennis, etc. for Christmas.


So they use that and they play on that, but there's only si much that they can do before they


go a little bit loopy and they need more stimulation for their brains. So again, a lot of things


like that we have to look out for. It also doesn't help that Jaclyn and I still currently


working during the Christmas Holidays, apart from Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and because we're still


working we have to be considering what we need to, while still trying to entertain the kids,


and that's a bit of a juggling act. But despite all this, as mentioned, it is the holidays,


and despite these little challenges, that's all they are at the moment, they're minor little challenges.


Little things we have to get over, think differently about.


Because for all these so-called challenges at the moment, the peace and tranquility


and just the beauty that's up here makes us confident we did the right thing.


After all, you don't move from a lifetime of city-dwelling to a small village like this


and expect everything to be perfect immediately, right?


Until the next time, live happily.




If you enjoy A Downsized Life, be sure to share it with friends and family and others who might enjoy it too.


And we'll see you next time.

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About the Podcast

A Downsized Life
adventures in downsizing and starting over
Welcome to A Downsized Life, where we explore the joys and challenges of moving from a big city to a small village to lead a quieter, simpler life. Join your host Danny Brown and occasionally his wife Jaclyn, as well as their kids Ewan and Salem, as they share their experiences about the transition and offer tips and insights for those looking to downsize their lives.

We'll discuss the benefits of downsizing, including less stress, more time for hobbies and passions, and a stronger sense of community. We'll also talk about the experience of leaving behind the hustle and bustle of the city and discovering the peace and quiet of a small village.

Listen as we open up about the challenges of downsizing, such as finding a new home, adjusting to a slower pace of life, and building new social connections. Every episode will provide practical advice on how to make the move, downsize possessions, and adjust to a simpler lifestyle.

Whether you're considering a move to a small village, or simply looking for ways to simplify your life, A Downsized Life has something for you. Tune in for inspiration, advice, and how you can also find happiness in a quieter, more meaningful way of living.

About your host

Profile picture for Danny Brown

Danny Brown

Danny Brown is the host of One Minute Podcast Tips, the show that helps you be a better podcaster in just a minute a week. He's also hosted, and co-hosted, several other podcasts - if you called him a serial podcaster, you wouldn't be wrong! He's been in the podcasting space for over 10 years, and has the scars to prove it.

He's the Head of Podcaster Support and Experience at Captivate.fm, the world's only growth-oriented podcast hosting, distribution, analytics, and monetization platform for the serious indie podcaster.

He lives in beautiful Muskoka, Ontario, Canada with his wife and two kids, where he spends winters in front of a cozy fire and summers by the lake. Well, when he finds time away from podcasting, of course...